13 February 2008

Bible study and the real lessons you learn
today was a good day for the most part......we are at end of month billing at work, which is stressful in itself....but i have decided that i am not going to allow it to control me or get to me.....do what i can in one day and the rest will be there waiting for the next......
lunch was not so good......i faught with david over childsupport again......he claims unemployment......and justifies buying a car and paying cash for it......5,000 dollars at that......instead of saving and paying bills and childsupport while he was waiting for a job.......i do not understand why he is the only person that can get me that upset.......
Bible study was good....hard, but good.....we were studying service and how we can be of service to others..........well, tonight the church was hosting three homeless families.......so our mission was to provide service to these families.....the girl my group meet was 27........she has 6 kids, no job, no family, and a felon......she reminded me soooo much of my daddy in sooo many ways because of that.........the negativity that she had and her willingness to give up was identical to his........im not sure how to take her or exactly what i can do to help her.......the only thing that i could do was share my story with her........i wasnt always where i am now.........i know what it is to be without and unsure where the next meal is coming from and how i was gonna take care of my kids......i didnt go into great details with her about my life because not tooo many people will ever know the truth depths of that......but anyways, the main thing that i tried to get across to her was that God didnt hate her.....that it was just the opposite, God loved her so much that all these things are happening because He was testing her, and with the faith of a mustard seed, she will make it through if she really wants it.....and when she does, her reward will be greater than anything than she has gone through.......
it is amazing how much we can really learn from others....even those that feel they have nothing to offer......tonight i learned that i take sooo much for granted and dont always fully praise God for everything that he has blessed me with......i went through my test, sometimes i am still going through them......but my rewards are already better than the things i went through........it is only through the grace of God that i am here today and i am proud to admit that.......
stephen, i love you and miss you and cant wait till it is may so that i can see you and spend some time with you......we are all getting soooo excited and trying to patiently wait, but it is hard.......anyways, we love you and miss you and are praying for you and all your guys over there(as always).........

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