29 February 2008

Show and Tell

ok bare with me, i love the idea of show and tell, but i am not real sure how this works....i believe that i am following all the directions and rules.....if i have it wrong PLEASE let me know and i will change it.....

my show and tell comes from my kitchen today.....i love kitchens, they offer soo much warmth, love, life lessons, and of course good sweet smells.....anyways, my kitchen is and has been done in americana for several years now......its not just your typical stars and stripes and hearts, but a mixture of alot of different things.....and today i am showing a set of six wrought iron figures.....my aunt donna found them at a yard sale and gave them to me......i love them and they fit so very well with everything else......

there is a colonial style woman, a colonial man, a cannon with a pile of cannon balls, what i presume to be a door knocker, and soaring above them all is a proud eagle.....they hang over the doorway into my dinning room.....i dont know very much about them except that they were made by a company named sexton....there is a 24 stamped in the back of all them and an old man at a resale/antique shop told me they were very old and highly collectible.......and that mine were still in very good condition......

the pictures that i have to share with you are not the best because i was afraid to take off the wall.....the hook on the back is getting very weak, so once i have them in place i DO NOT move them......the red they were once painted has faded to a dull brownish color, the blues are still brilliant and the cream color is yellowish in tint now.....colors would probably be better if i would actually wash them, but i am terrified they will rust or all the color will wash off.....they do get a regular dusting......


Leah said...

i love these! immediately when i saw them it reminded me of cooking and eating in your kitchen!

j said...

Your post looked spot on to me! Just show it and tell about it...and that's what you did. Careful though, S & T Friday can be quite addicitive :)

My son would love your kitchen. He says his favorite COLOR (no s) is RED WHITE AND BLUE. Jennifer

nannykim said...

Thanks for sharing--those are really neat! It is nice that they are sooooo old.

Constance said...

When I clicked on them they showed up really well so there was no need to remove them and risk something happening to them! They look great and obviouly fit in well!

I got bounced today, somehow I didn't quite fit into the guidelines. That's okay, my post stands as is.

Hootin Anni said...

Cool!!! And very patriotic too. I love it.

My SnT is posted. If you haven't dropped by, I sure hope you can!! Happy Friday.

cherished*vintage said...

Super cool pieces! Loved your show and tell. You did good!

Anonymous said...

What a neat collection!


I remember seeing these at
my friends parents house
but that was years ago!
The eagle is my favorite one!

Cheryl said...

Cute wall hangings. Keep them out of the direct sunlight so the colors keep from dulling :-)

The Apron Queen said...

Welcome to S&T. You did great! You can pop on over to my S&T at http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

Kelli said...

What a neat collection, I love them!! Welcome to show and tell, Friday!