20 July 2008

being that we had a "family" tragedy this week, combined with my starting to work....meals this week will be interesting.....my lovely hubby will end up being the one that is solely responsible for the shopping and the majority of the cooking.....he's not a bad cook, but a horrid shopper....so i am going to make it as easy as possible for him by using the things that are left in the freezer, that way he only has to buy a very minimal amount of stuff.....

MONDAY: spaghetti in "pomodore"(italian for tomato)sauce with sauteed mushrooms and peppers, garlic bread and left over salad from last night

TUESDAY: bbq pork shoulder(pulled) for sandwiches, mac-n-cheese and corn on the cob or fruit salad

WEDNESDAY: baked raviolis, steamed broccoli, and garlic bread

THURSDAY: strawberry pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast, with some fruit on the side

FRIDAY: again, we will do what the kids want to do for "friday night diner"

SATURDAY: grilled chops, mashed garlic potatoes, fresh grilled green beans

SUNDAY: stephen makes this grilled sausage and onion thats mixed with mac-n-cheese and then baked thing that is really good, so that and mixed veggies

BREAKFASTS: cereal, muffins, oatmeal
LUNCH: kids will eat a daycare/camp so stephen and i will probably try to finish up the last of the deli meats with sandwiches and of course some left overs
SNACKS: snacks, who has time for snacks this week....

1 comment:

Leah said...

your menu sounds awesome..poor stephen having to cook though ;) i can't wait to hear how your first week goes! love you!