24 September 2008

fall is here

i have no funny or cute stories about fall to tell you today, but i can say that i am super excited that fall is finally here....

the trees are starting to change their colors.....the leaves are beginning to fall slightly.....the days are no longer hot and the nights are cool and cozy.....well for the most part that is, some nights its just down right cold.....

fall has always been my favorite time of the year......soups and stews......cookies and spices fill the house as i bake and cook.......sweaters and boots get to come out of the closet.......

walks through the park can now be enjoyed rather than dreaded.....we can collect different leaves and pinecones for fun fall crafts......i enjoy pinics much more in the fall......

and sports....soccer is in full swing here....twice a week we/i get to go out and sit in the middle of a huge field and watch as she runs, chases and kicks the ball all over the place......

plus, halloween is coming and it is also one of my favorite times of the year....not really for the candy, but for the dress up.....i love make believe and fantasy......and for once a year i can put on a costume and play with kids without looking a little on the crazy side......oh and i cant leave out the pumpkin carving!!!!!

04 September 2008

love is in the air....or something like that

you know, its funny.....i read leah's blog today and it was about reagan kissing a little boy in her play group......today i was planning on writing about keegan and her new 'best friend/boyfriend"

she has been going to daycare for a couple of months now and absolutely loves it......her attitude is improving.....her social skills are much better.....not that she was all the dependant on me before, because she wasnt, but now she doesnt think that she needs me or her daddy for anything......and unlike most kids that cry when they get left there, she cries when she cant go and will say all weekend long that "i go to MY daycare on monday"......

anyways, back to my story......she has this new little best friend.....he is one of stephens company comanders kids.....i cant remember the poor kids name.....but he is cute as a button......he has curly blonde, super blonde hair and bright blue eyes......he is older than she is and has moved from her daycare room to kindergarden........

everyday at lunch, he always says to me in this sad little voice, "tell keekee i said hi and that i miss her".......then i hear from her daycare teacher, that everyday since school started, keegan will go to his old cubby looking for his stuff asking where he is at.......when she is told that he is now in kindergarden, she will say "i go kindergarden too"...next she is told that she has to be five to go to kindergarden, which is then followed by "i five".......five is her new age if anyone asks her.......

so sad it is when first "love" happens at such a young age......poor kids.......